Projects involving CLARIPHY collaborators
We list here a number of small projects which are underway and which involve CLARIPHY collaborators. These are often larger projects with additional participants, which can be found on the linked project pages.
- Algorithms for Allen - Extending the physics reach of LHCb by developing and deploying algorithms for a fully GPU-based first trigger stage
- ALPhA - Machine Learning Approaches for Accelerating Scientific Discovery in Nuclear Physics
- ARRIS - Accelerating Rare physics discovery with Real-time, Intelligent image processing at Scale
- DIDACTS - Data-Intensive Discovery Accelerated by Computational Techniques for Science (DIDACTS)
- Exa.TrkX - HEP Advanced Tracking Algorithms at the Exascale (Exa.TrkX)
- IRIS-HEP - Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics
- ML4Collider - Machine Learning for Particle Physics in Colliders
- SCAILFIN - Scalable CyberInfrastructure for Artificial Intelligence and Likelihood Free Inference (SCAILFIN)